39 weeks and lookin' pretty good if I do say so |
I mean seriously, this kid. So much cuteness! I can hardly believe I'm at 39 weeks. I'm been through like every season this pregnancy--found out in winter and then delivering in the fall. I swear it makes me feel like I've been pregnant forever. Given that this *might* be my last pregnancy I'm trying to take in everything but honestly, my favorite part is my body. I know that sounds so odd but as someone who was always self conscious of her figure to have one I want to flaunt is so liberating and always my favorite part. I don't even mind the stretchmarks! That said, I actually don't have any new ones.
We'll find out tomorrow where we stand on everything. Matt's still keen on getting induced Friday the 4th if I'm ready physically. Honestly, after today I think I am. I pushed myself way too hard and ended up feeling like crap and then having contractions bad enough to time. I freaked out, called Matt and had to leave a voice mail which he never got. I swear these damn phones. He only knew something was up when I messaged him to disregard they had stopped. None the less the whole thing made me feel seriously powerless. I know it's not the end of the world to find out you aren't really in labor but I also feel like it's such a long drive and then to have to inconvenience friends.....anyway it's just the stuff I worry about. Though this is my second my awesome OB knew I'd go fast with Emerson so she ordered the epidural very early on. Though I was crazy uncomfortable b/c of how fast she came I never really did understand what an honest to goodness contraction was.
I'll likely try to update tomorrow after the doctor with weight etc. For now I've decided to put myself on what I call "modified couch rest". In other words, my happy butt is sitting on the couch, monitoring emails and generally taking it EASY (which you know I'll wish I did a lot more of in a few days!)