Monday, September 16, 2013

Full Term

37 Weeks
Full Term Baby!  Today I had my 37 week check up.  Dr. W. did an ultrasound just to be sure baby's head is down.  While she was at it I asked her to confirm that she is in fact a she :)  Good news is that baby's head is down and she is, in fact, a girl.  I'm not really dilated or anything but that's ok.  As we were leaving today Matt looked at me and brought up the idea again of induction on October 3 or 4. 

Assuming I make it that far I don't know that I'm opposed to it anymore.  While personally I'm not really pro early induction just for the sake of it I do get it.  At that point it wouldn't really even be early--it would be the Thursday or Friday before I'm technically due (and I'm still not sure that that's the right due date).  Mostly I just want to make sure that we're all ok.  What I don't want is to have this kid on the toll road or something.  And let's face it the chances of us having the "honey it's time" moment is slim to none.  Most likely it's more like "huh, what's that feeling?  Is that gas or something more?"  That's ok with me.  I don't want to feel pressured over some schedule though.

So for now we'll hold tight and then talk to Dr. W. on Monday.  She's told me she would induce up to a week early so I'm sure she'll pretty well go with whatever we'd like but certainly want and need her input. 

Meanwhile in the waiting room another patient asked me how far along I am and so I told her 37 weeks. She sort of looked at me with big eyes adn asked "just one??!!" and when I said yes she was all "OMG you're so big!!"  I certainly don't take offense to that--I love my big belly--but I thought it was funny since I don't feel that big. 

I also confirmed that a lot of my aches and pains are totally normal and should be expecting more.  That may sound odd but my pregnancy with Emerson was so easy I get paranoid now.  For better or worse, the round ligament pain not only is normal but it's normal for it to be at it's worst now.  AND only getting worse.  It's oddly comforting.

I am trying to enjoy these last few weeks but it's such a double edged sword.  I love being pregnant but I'm also so excited to meet this little girl and so sore and uncomfortable.  None the less, I keep thinking that this is likely my last pregnancy so I want to and should enjoy it as much as humanly possible.

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