Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hello Again

It's been a hot minute since I posted.  Already baby the sequel is getting the short end :)  Frankly it seemed weird to post when only 1 or 2 people had access to this but now that we've started telling people I'm making this public.  I've actually had a few folks ask me to share the blog when we start it.  Guess that's what happens when you're far from family.

So anyway, let's see....I'm 15 (almost 16) weeks.  We just had our appointment yesterday and everything looks great.  I haven't gained any weight and in fact have LOST weight.  I weigh less now than when I got pregnant with Emerson which (let's face it) isn't exactly a bad thing.  Plus the doctor isn't worried and tells me to enjoy it while I can-HA!

I'm not nearly as sick as I was but come dinner time I'm still very Meh about food.  Lunch is where I eat the most so I let myself enjoy whatever I want since I don't really have an appetite before or after.

So that's that.  I have a selfie from 15 weeks I'll try to post later today.

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