Wednesday, October 2, 2013

So..Yea how about a baby?

The doctor's appointment on Tuesday went really well.  Just as I suspected baby girl had dropped way low.  We knew when the doctor checked for the hearbeat and then confirmed it, but the look on her face of shock at how low she is was awesome.  So her next question--when do you want to have this baby? GAH!

Originally we wanted Friday the 4th but the doctor is taking a day off.  We looked at Thursday or Monday.  Thursday = OMG TOO SOON!  So Monday it is.  And yet still, OMG SO SOON!!

My most favorite part is that my doctor will just break my water and hopefully we'll avoid pitocin all together.  Obviously if I need it then I need it but given that they had to turn it OFF with Emerson I'm hopeful.

Of course, that's assuming I make it through this weekend :)

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