Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Second Time Around

I like to blog.  Mostly because I like to journal.  However, let's face it, most people don't really care about what you ate for lunch unless they are your good friend.  I've gotten away from blogging because I didn't feel I had anything remarkable to say, and while I still don't I can't help but feel the pull as we begin this next chapter of our lives because...

I'm pregnant

With Emerson we kept a blog and I really appreciate it in hindsight (though I have no clue where it is now...) and while I'm very excited for Baby, the sequel, and certainly want to keep the memories mostly I just have a bunch of stuff jumbling through my head at the moment and need an outlet.

For instance, right now?  Full onsite pregnancy brain.  No clue it would hit so fast but damn if I'm entirely useless.  I should really take a photo of my desk b/c holy hellballs.  That's part of the reason I decided to stop and just go ahead and start this puppy up.  I feel like I'm in a giant mental fog and as God is my witness I have no idea how I'm supposed to be productive for the next 9 months....and given my new position that scares the bejesus out of me.

The good news is I told my boss this morning and she is overjoyed.  I wouldn't normally have told this early--I haven't even had my OBGYN appt--but I'm scheduled for international travel that will now be nixed.  That does bring up the point though that I'm going to have to set a future date for all of these posts.  We haven't told anyone and though there are only a handful of folks that I think would even think to look I'd hate for this to be how they find out.

So much to say, but for now I guess I just need to to try and get some work done.  Let the ride begin...

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