Monday, February 4, 2013

On Telling Work

It's a Monday.  I didn't sleep well since Emerson was up most of the night thanks to the wind, I'm nauseous, and just had to/got to tell my VP about the pregnancy.  At this point my boss and 2 VP's know before our family.  With the promotion comes certain responsibility.  With that responsibility comes a little less flexibility in time.  Like Shanghi--I'm not going but whoever IS going is going to need to get their visa paperwork in order.  So I had to talk to these folks so that some decisions could be made behind the scenes.  As it is I"ll still have to tell some folks earlier than I planned but I'm waiting until after the first doctor's appt.

Today I just keep telling myself it'll all work out.  It'll all come together.  I'm not that important that things won't run without me.

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