Monday, February 11, 2013

Vampire Baby

We've just started "The Fresh 20" and tonight was my night to cook.  I was rather nervous-I don't really cook (I bake) much less cook fish which was what was on the menu.  Breaded and baked cod with a green pea parmesean puree.  I thought for sure I'd have the more issue with the fish but as I was finishing up the puree I had to utilize our strategically placed trash can.  Awesome.
I have to stop and say I don't remember it being these extremes last time with Emerson.  It was much more light motion sickness all day every day for the first trimester.  This time I'll be OK and then I'll be really sick (usually right around lunch and dinner) and I only dry heaved once with Emerson at the very end of my first trimester unlike tonight.

The fish I was fine with but that puree...I dunno.  Then after dinner as I was cleaning up I smelled it...garlic.  It was part of the puree and it's an ingredient I used to love.  But not so much tonight.  I smelled it and thought I'd be immediately sick again. I survived but it occurred to me that it was the garlic....the GARLIC?  What the hell, I love garlic.
And then it occurred to me....what if I'm having a vampire baby?? Save yourselves!

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