Thursday, February 7, 2013

Passport to no where

Let me preface this by saying that I'm thrilled to be pregnant.  None the less that doesn't mean I still don't have reactions to certain things like this.

Before picking up Emerson at daycare I took Archie on a quick walk.  It was nothing major, just up to the mail box to grab the mail.  The air felt good on my face after a crazy afternoon.  As I opened up the box I noticed that Emerson's Valentine's present from She She had arrived.  I was excited to see what precious thing she sent baby girl.  Then I notice that there was another package.  It was a flat packed USPS envelope.  Nothing exceptionally large, and the return address was something random except....except there was a notation about the "US Government".  

I realized then that my passport had arrived.  My passport that I needed to get into China and Canada (and back of course).  The one that I sent the paperwork away for mere days before peeing on a stick, the one that I received my expense reimbursement for about 24 hours before finding out.  And now, the one that I wouldn't need.  It's bitter sweet.

I have to say that going to China pregnant probably isn't a big deal.  When I first found out I was going and Matt and I were sorta trying I emailed with my nurse.  Her biggest thing was to drink plenty of water and walk on the flight.  It's 19 freakin' hours.  Still, God forbid something were to happen I would never forgive myself.  It's a 19 hour flight to a communist country where I have to have special shots (PS-pregnant people can't get the typhoid shot) and would have to find an English hospital there just in case.  A Just in case that really wouldn't guarantee me much of anything . Even though I'd be in Shanghi who knows what kind of medical attention I'd be able to get.  

Going just doesn't make sense, but I'll admit it easier to swallow not going to Canada.  For one....well it's Canada.  But for two it's b/c I'll be on leave at that point.  I think part of my brain doesn't like feeling like an invalid just because I'm "with child".

So now I have a passport with no where to go.  Perhaps Matt will have to make that right :)

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