Monday, July 8, 2013

27 Weeks

27 Weeks
Do you like how my belt is up in my shirt?  Yea, classy.  That pretty much sums it up lately.  So this is the 27th weeks, aka the last week of the second trimester.  For as slow as the first went by this one has gone as slow....except exactly the opposite.  I'll admit that I'm getting a little sentimental.  Also they talk about how the first and third trimesters are so tough but that the second is soooo great.  That scares the bejesus out of me given how tough this trimester was and if THAT is good?  I mean yea, I wasn't puking all the time but oofta, still.
All and all things are going well . I'm in a lot more discomfort but I think that has to do with the fact that my ligaments etc are already loose.  Girlfriend has been all over the place today--at times I swear she's sideways. 
Tomorrow I have my 27 week appointment and the fabulous Glucose test.  The test itself doesn't really bug me so much as the inevitable sugar crash.  I'm also wiser this time around and man almighty I don't want to have to stick myself daily.  I'm also curious about weight gain.
Tomorrow also marks the beginning of the bi-weekly appointments.  Guess it's time to kick it into high gear.

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