Monday, July 1, 2013

26 Weeks and more Room updates

26 Weeks
I don't feel like there's a whole lot to report this week.  I'm feeling pretty good but with the same issues---Tired, feet hurting, getting stiff after sitting and generally feeling worn.  I go in for my glucose test next week so fingers crossed there.  I've also hit that point where I know why and how I gained so much with Emerson.....oh Ice Cream, you are the devil.
This week my friend let me borrow her doppler and I wanted Em to hear.  As soon as the heartbeat came on she looked shocked, then picked up the reciever and put it to her ear like a phone and said
"hello baby sister, this is Emerson Belle Dossett" and then had a whole conversation with her :)  At one point she asked why baby sister wasn't talking back and I explained she's too little to talk.  The whole thing just melted me.

As I wrote about last night we're working on the changing table and room.  I've been searching for the right color coral which has proven rather difficult.  In the photo below you'll see two of the options as well as the wall color
 I LOVE the one on the right (stripes) but the blue is slightly off and Matt's just not a big fan for whatever reason.  The on the left I bought today and while it works it's a bit bold so tonight I bought this online
Frankly I think the color and patter is better for what we're going for.

I also works on getting the plexiglass out of the doors.  I tried to get them out in full pieces but that just didn't happen so I had to crack it and pull out the pieces.....turns out it's great stress management

Tbe stain tonight

The drawer with plexiglass

The Tools

Just hack into it and then start pulling it apart.
 After this I proceeded to wash these in scolding hot soapy water (again) and then I've decided I'll be spraying them with bleach water just in case. 

Finally the big bummer is the chair doesn't fit well in the room.  I really thought I would cry.  I love that chair but especially b/c it was pricy but Matt insisted I get what I want.  I'm so sentimental.  Luckily we can use the chair back downstairs and we found this one:
same idea, MUCH smaller footpring

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