Monday, July 15, 2013

Well Hello Third Trimester

28 Weeks
I feel like I've been hit by a bus.....the third trimester buss.  Lord help me I'm hoping it's just the result of a long long weekend with an uncomfortable toddler thanks to her run in with some pavement. 

It's funny, the first trimester crawled, the second feels like it flew and now I'm starting the third.  Bananas.  Apparently I passed my glucose test which is awesome.  Baby is doing well and I've gained all of 9 lbs.....granted 8 of it was last month :)  Baby girl is having a dance party in there to the extent that I have a sore spot on my belly from her hip/butt/heel pushing out.    It's also super weird to fell her pushing around sometimes--it's way more than Emerson ever did and sometimes it freaks me out a bit. 

Despite the fatigue and discomfort I'm still doing my best to enjoy each day.

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