Monday, June 15, 2015

Four Little Words

Last Monday marked a new week, which meant it was time to hit the gym again. I got the ok from the ortho to do basically anything upper body right now and then eventually add on elliptical when I'm comfortable.  Lower body will  have to wait obviously.

I can't explain how nervous I was or really even why I was.  I decided to do biceps and back and pulled together three excersizes for each so that I would have some direction.  Even still when I got in the gym I froze.  Callie, one of the trainers who has been an amazing support was there and we chatted a bit.  She helped give me some ideas and answer some questions.  Generally she just made me comfortable until I was ready to jump in. And of course I survived. :)

I left feeling accomplished but surprising frustrated.  Despite having a successful workout I didn't sweat that much or feel like I worked all that hard.  I tried to look at the bright side--I can't really be using the showers yet (I don't trust my balance) so not sweating is good, right?

I was talking with Callie on the way out about how frustrated I felt but that I refused to just throw my hands up and eat my way through my recovery.  Then Callie said something that touched me so much I started to tear up.  She said "I'm proud of you".  Callie is probably 10 years younger than me and I am sure it's not something she goes around just telling people, much less people 10 years her senior.  I looked at her and thanked her, telling her how much it meant before I had to turn away and take a deep breath.

I know that this is all for me and my health but it will never cease to surprise me how strongly I'm impacted by those words.  I hope she knows how much I needed that.

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