Friday, June 5, 2015

Pop Goes the Tendon

Verdict is in, I popped a tendon.  I'm in a boot for the next 4-6 weeks, followed by PT.

The good news?
No crutches and if I'm comfortable I can use the elliptical (and of course arms/stomach)

Bad news?
Aside from the obvious it's going to be a longer recovery.  Squats etc (which I was actually enjoying) won't be happening for a while.  Plus without working out I find that I have a habit of falling off the wagon easier.

I'm trying very hard to make good choices.  Today I knew that we were going to Chick Fil A to celebrate Emerson's Pre K graduation so I was tempted to just throw the towel in for the day.  Instead I decided to stick it out and still enjoy dinner so that was a small win.  Of course, I felt HORRIBLE after dinner.  Not because of my choices but physically just YUCK.

Monday I'll start back in the gym doing some lifting etc.  I cannot let this get me down.

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