Monday, October 28, 2019

Never Break a Promise to Yourself

Anyone who knows Rachael Hollis (I'm a huge fan) knows that quote.  It came in handy today when I didn't work out this morning.  I didn't want to this evening but damn it I did.  Mind you, it was kinda ugly, but still.  That being said, maybe next time we don't eat until AFTER.....just sayin.

Speaking of eating, my foot intake has sucked.  And by that I mean I'm like a hoover devouring everything in sight.  I really am trying to stop and ask myself what I really need--am I really hungry?  Will this serve me well?  And if not then explore that.  It's harder late at night when you are half awake.  I really have to start going to bed earlier.

Matt's at a dinner event tonight so it's just me and the girls.  I have a night of work ahead of me too, but such is life.  Tomorrow I head back to the foot Dr. to see if we can figure out what the hell is going on with the pain in my right foot.  Meanwhile, my left heel has started hurting so apparently I'm going to get my money's worth in copay tomorrow.
And still I keep trudging on :)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Best Laid Plans

Yesterday I was supposed to have had a parent-teacher conference early morning.  Because of this, I decided I'd work out in the afternoon.  As it turns out, my body apparently thought I needed more rest and I do this thing where I"m only half-conscious sleepwalking and changed my alarm. 

Then, that afternoon I got the call.  Emerson had a headache, sore through and upset stomach.  Luckily she presents the same way every time because I knew to take her in and confirm what I already knew, strep.  They couldn't get us in until 7pm and by the time we got the meds and got home it was 9pm.  Considering I literally fell asleep in the peds office I gave myself a break last night.

That meant that today was up and at 'em today and got my workout in first thing.  My sole focus has been to focus on the now because otherwise I tend to start down the "what if I had just stuck with it" path or the ever-popular "this is impossible it'll take forever"

The one good (ish) thing is I tracked my food yesterday.  Much to my surprise, I overate.  I say that b/c I didn't snack a ton that I was aware of, and didn't really eat lunch.  That sort of stuff is always eye-opening.

So another day.  Now if I can get my water in today--I swear I spent half the day in the bathroom yesterday.

Monday, October 21, 2019

If I'd have just stuck with it

Apparently my last entries were at the first of the year.  If I'd have only stuck with it.....oy

Let's see, to recap I worked out almost every day between Jan and June.  But the summer came and as summers tend to do it threw me for a loop.  I did a swan dive (ok, more like a belly flop) off the wagon where I've spent the last few months in gluttonous denial.  But no more.  The number on the scale isn't "A little bit" into new territory, I'm full-on in new territory.  I lost all of the progress and then some.  My goal is no longer to be "fit" but right now it's just to get back into a bunch of my old clothes.  From there we'll re-evaluate.  Baby steps b/c shooooo dog I'm a mess.

I keep chugging away though.  Speaking of chugging, here are my goals for this week:

  • *150 oz water a day
  • *no soda
  • *Track everything on MFP
  • *move my body 30 min a day (at least 5 workouts plus two move days)

I'm no longer comfortable in my own skin.  I honestly wish I could bottle up how I feel right now so that when I eventually make progress I don't get side-tracked just because I'm feeling better. 
Oh, and I found my (very morbid) why......
While being healthy for my family etc is always important, I realized that I keep coming to the same issue-time.  As in, I'll start tomorrow.  Except it's been thousands upon thousands of tomorrows, and eventually I'm bound to run out.  So that's my why-before I run out of time.

*ding ding* goes the bell, time for another round of Allison vs. her lifestyle.