Monday, May 20, 2013

20 Weeks-Half Baked!

Me and my girl
20weeks...half baked.  Idon't feel like this particular photo does justice to my belleh.  Just two short weeks ago I didn't look a bit pregnant.  Bloated maybe but pregnant?  No.  And now?  Yowsers!  I realized today that I can't button my pants.  I had been using a belly band for comfort but even if I wanted to those things weren't closing.  And I freaked out just a bit.  These were my pants that fit me (not a size too big) just a week ago.  Now when my pants that were too big don't fit?  Yea then I"ll probably really freak.  Why freak?  I dunno....but there's just something so real about it.

At 20 weeks I'm in maternity clothes (obviously) and probably need to suck it up and just wear maternity pants and not just a belly band.  As my boss made mention I'm tired but it's more from running after Emerson and being pregnant than the first trimester exhaustion.  Baby has been moving and I'm 99% sure kicking a bit too.  In fact the other day sitting at my desk and I got what I thought was a I pushed back (b/c I'm an instigator) and s/he kicked and back and forth.  Pretty cool.

Speaking of s/he we had a fantastic 20 week appointment but no sneak peek which means we'll have to wait until Thursday to find out.  Neither Matt or I really care what the gender is (which is good since we have no say over it).  Part of us would like a boy for obvious reasons but I think we both would prefer a girl.  We love the dynamic of our family with a little girl and I love the idea of sisters.  Of course this is the polar opposite of how I felt when I first found out Emerson was a girl.  I mean....mother daughter dyanmics, those three words will put the fear in any woman.  Now we adore it (ask me again when she's a pre teen).  Plus boys smell :)

I don't feel as energetic as I did with Emerson.  I'm not sure if it's the idea of being pregnant with a toddler or if this pregnancy is just harder on me.  Time will tell. 

Meanwhile we're getting ready to move Emerson into her big girl room.  Scares the pee out of me.  The good thing about never decorating Emerson's room is that 100% of everything BEHIND doors is moved.  In other words, everything looks just as it did until you open the closet or drawers.  Then you realize that it's all different.  For now though Emerson has no sense it's different which is great.  That is until Friday when we take the plunge.  At least we'll have an extra weekend day......

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