Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Because I may be a little nuts

As I wrote about before, we're headed to the beach in August at which point I'll be just over 8 mos pregnant.  Given how much I popped this week I have concerns that one of my suites (which would fit theoretically now only b/c it's about 2 sizes too big)  won't cut it.....or will litterally cut it with the "IT" being my circulation.  I do have one maternity swimsuit but frankly there's not a whole hell of a lot else out there right now.  
Then last week Matt mentioned I should rock a two piece.  I scoffed at him and reminded him that aside from the baby belly there would be that pesky present layer of fat.  However the past few days I've been giving the idea a considerable amount of thought and then this morning I saw myself in the mirror....and I thought "why the hell not".  I recently read an article about instilling confidence in daughters and the real theme behind it wasn't all of those words of affirmation that are so strong but showing our daughters by example--climbing tress and jumping in the swimming pool and generally rocking out life.  Then I found this little number.   

Here's the thing, I know I'm no supermodel.  Would I like to be in better shape?  Sure.  But am I going to let that stop me from enjoying myself?  Hell no.  I want my daughter to see me live.  I want her to see me enjoy myself and love my body because it gives so much.  It carries me daily, it's seen me through one pregnancy and now another.  It's run a 5k.  I'm young(ish) and healthy and I'll be damned if I'm going to wear a mumu all summer.


  1. Thank you, Allison Dossett. I am so proud of you for making this decision. Besides the fact that you're beautiful and you deserve to celebrate your beauty any way you want, pregnant bodies in bikinis are about the cutest thing I've ever seen. I love that you're doing it for Emerson. That's the best reason I could imagine. You're so wonderful.

  2. Also, have you bought your bathing suit yet? Please post a pic of it (you don't need to be in it, if that makes you uncomfortable) so that we can see what you decided on!
