Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It's Back

My appetite that is.  17 weeks in and finally I'm finding myself ...dare I say it?  Hungry.  Granted I still have some food aversions.  Chicken?  bleh!  The smell of grilling burgers?  Barf.  And don't get me started on garlic in chicken stock.  Oh.My.Honk.  But this morning I ate a waffle with peanut butter and a few banana slices on it.  WIN!  Now I'm full which is weird for me because pre pregnancy I'd easily want two of those plus the whole banana but I'll take it.
Meanwhile, I have a pesky feeling this belly is starting to pop out a bit.  I'm still in all my normal clothes but I'm just noticing it rubbing a bit more.

I've gotten on some facebook yard sale pages for the area and they have proven worthwhile.  Yesterday i bought a Little Lamb swing that retails for at least $130 for $20.  Score.  That was one of those things I had to have this go-round.  With Em I was afraid she'd become dependent on the swing or some such bull.  The result was that we bought a small travel swing that wasn't expensive and was small enough to deal with our 800 sq feet of living space.  This time though I had my heart set on this swing, irrational or not.
Matt came home last night and set it up and then informed me it's "atrocious".  In other words, it's practical.  It's not hidden.  There's baby stuff OUT IN PUBLIX!  I love that man but we are so different in this way.  For me I know it may not be ascetically pleasing that goes along with our furniture but it keeps the baby happy = mama is happy.  I'm the one after all who is home for 3 months and gets to get up in the middle of the night for feedings.  With Emerson I can remember trying to put everything away before Matt got home from work.  For this one?  Good luck with that :)

In fairness I appreciate that man. We all have friends who have kid stuff that's taken over the house so I love that he keeps ours from getting that way.  If it were just me the house would likely get to be such a hot mess that it would stress me out worse.   Still, there's a middle ground.  I need stuff accessible and for me to not fret over it if stuff is out (or that Matt won't stress because it's out).  It's not forever but while we have an itty bitty there's just some "stuff" that comes with it.  So pass the Xanax for that poor man b/c it's about to get baby-fied up in here.

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