Monday, May 13, 2013

Week 19

The photo below was taken 18w1d.  This photo was from 18 weeks
Here's the thing with me...I always have carried my weight in the middle so you can't really tell too much with a lot of the clothes I wear.  However, please see exhibit B, 19 weeks
Sweet Juniper THAT happened sometime in the past week.  If I'm being honest I still sort of feel like it's just fat....I mean I swear I look like I looked back when I was closer to 24 weeks with Emerson and I'm only at 19.  Technically I know you pop earlier but still, it just feels like a farce.

Also in the past week or so I feel less movement.  However I realized tonight while walking the dog that the movement I feel is higher, and given the fact that I seem to have grown so much I can only assume that this kiddo has shifted upwards to wehre there is more room.

So, at 19 weeks....I'm still able to wear my old pants but only if I don't value circulation to my lower half.  I've started wearing my belly band which has been a huge relief.  I can still wear some pants (I think) but those are the ones that were too big to start with.  Some of my tops (like the one above) are fine but anything more fitted is a no go. 

My appetite is back but mostly only for lunch and I still have food aversions.  Right now I don't think I have gained more than 2 lbs from my lowest weight, and I"m still a solid 5-10 under what I was when I got pregnant.  We have an OB appt on Wed and then we'll have my 20 week on May 23rd.  Last time my dr took a sneak peak and was right with Emerson so hopefully she'll do the same.  While I truly don't care either way on gender I am curious.  Moreover I think I need to know to help with the bonding.  Either way soon enough we'll know.

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