Wednesday, August 28, 2013

33 and 34

This is going to be short and least for now.  We spent last week at the beach and this week I'm spending playing catch-up :)  Life is good, baby is good, Emerson is wearing underwear for the first time today Lord hep us all :)

33 weeks at the beach
34 Weeks
34 weeks with my big girl

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Swimsuits for the win

I'm still not sure what happened.  I don't ever remember being anything but self conscious about my body.  Perhaps it's because I'm pregnant and it's OK to have a belly but even before that I've felt....different since having Emerson.  

I look at what my body has done.  Not just having a child (and now another) but in finally training for and running a 5k.  I recognize it's not a big deal to some, but to me it is.  To me it reminds me of all my body is capable of and makes me wonder what more I can do.  And so yea....I'm putting swimsuit photos of ME in a BATHING SUIT up ONLINE!  Please excuse the cleavage....the girls sorta have a mind of their own.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

T-minus 8 Weeks...and cue freakout in 5...4...3...2...

32 weeks
Don't I just look Joy-filled?  Do you LOVE the water stains on my shirt from Emerson's tub?  Do you see how I'm kinda leaning funny?  That would be due to the fact I feel like my child has cracked my pelvis.  HOORAY for Pregnancy!

Ok, now that THAT pity party is over.  Truth is this time around is hard and I've had more than one tearful evening.  I'm torn b/c this is likely it for me, so I want to enjoy this pregnancy but at the same time I am so darn uncomfortable.  The evenings are the worst.  I think it has to do with being tired but also from sitting.  I find if I sit too long when I get up I hurt a lot.  I think she must be laying on a nerve or something.  On one hand I despise complaining when all too soon this will be over.  On the other I'll admit, I am glad that I'm finally "in the club" as it were  More than that though with Emerson I was loving being pregnant so much I never wanted it to end.  That was troublesome.  I remember telling my doctor I WANTED to get uncomfortable or I'd be afraid how I would handle it. 

Despite being uncomfortable, I'm doing well  I love showing off the bump.  That has to be the best thing about being pregnant--I fully am embracing my body.  It's freakin' awesome.  I took some photos (just for you Pieper!) of me in a swimsuit too that I'm going to post.  I mean, it's amazing how confident I feel in a pregnant body (so long as the girls stay put...that's my latest challenge :))

I'll also admit that I'm not nearly as nervous about the whole "will I love this one as much" thing as I was pre pregnancy.  I know it will come in time.  Mostly I just hope it doesn't take as long as with Emerson--I had some real life struggles there.  I wonder if perhaps b/c I lived through that and know how much I adore that child now that I'm not as worried.  Who knows.

Now we're just dealing with maternity leave (which sucks in the US) and which is non existant in my company.  The bonus is that b/c of when she's due I get holidays.  The crap part is I'll still have to go back earlier than expected, however the "go back" is working from home, getting ramped up and only for a week before Christmas break so I can't complain too much. 

Also new this time I have no real idea of when everyone is coming up--and I'm intentionally not worrying about it :)  I'm really trying to focus on making this our time.  Part of me is glad we went to GA for Christmas when Emerson was born to get me out, but mostly I'm kicking myself for not just staying home without a bunch of people and taking care of us.  There were so many times that I should've just said no or stopped what we were doing to pump or whatever but I was afraid of sitting quietly.  It's a double edged sword.  So this time I'm going to try it, hope I don't go nuts and throw caution to the wind :)  Imagine, me taking care of myself....I guess there's a first time for everything!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

31 Weekds

31 weeks (and 2.5 years :))

9 weeks left.....62 days....GAH!  I've said it before but I'm feeling this more this go round than ever.  I am trying to enjoy all of the movement but I'd be lying if I said some days it's distracting.  I've also been thinking more and more about the whole due date....We are currently trying to decide if we want to induce a few days early just to have my parents here for Emerson.  That being said, my cycles were about 21 days not 28, combined with a few other factors and I'm really wondering if I wouldn't deliver early anyway.

I really would prefer NOT to be induced but Matt does make a good point.  If I'm not opposed to an epidural, than why would I be opposed to pit??  Well I'll tell you why-that shiz hurts and I apparently need no help once I get rolling.  Plus I really don't want to add any complications--you know like the kind where the kid's heartrate drops b/c the pit is so stressful?  Yea that one.  I tried explaining to Matt that it's a damn good thing I was already pushing when Emerson's heart rate dropped the second time or they probably would've taken me for a C-section.  Then Matt has a good point which is I probably need to stop watching all of these Rikki Lake "The buiseness of being born" documentaries and talk to my OB :)  So we'll see.  Frankly I would look to get induced only a few days early I'm betting I'll end up in labor early anyway but we'll see.

The room is coming along really really well.  We have our list of stuff to buy and it's costly, but we're preparing.  Frankly I think it'll be pretty fun to take a day off of work and go with Matt to Buy Buy Baby and just buy all of it :)  Kinda like a shopping spree! 

So that's that.  I probably should start preparing at work but right now I'm more focused on vacation in less than 2 weeks--WOOT!  oh....and I'm about to lose my husband to SEC football....

Thursday, August 1, 2013

30 Week

30 Weeks
I've been a slacker on this post . Actually, not so much as slacker as I was supposed to have my appointment on Monday but didn't have it until Wednesday so I thought I'd wait to post this.  Whatevs, I'm busy. 

So 30 weeks....10 to go.  Just writing that made my stomach do flip flops.  All is well though for sure I'm feeling it.  I broke down and bought a pregnancy pillow.  Baby girl likes to hang out in the "penthouse" as her Lala says other words up under mama's ribs.  That makes it just a touch hard to breath.  I have some photos on my phone of her up there--I'll have to post one . It's weird how big and pokey I am at the top  when she does that.

My last two appointments were three weeks apart to get me back on track and I gained 5lbs in theory.  I say in theory b/c 10 mins before my appointment I scarfed down a Wendy's Hamburger :)  So that makes total weight gain 14lbs.  Not horrible. 

I'm not swelling thank goodness BUT based on how she's laying for sure I can feel it.  I get this really sharp pain in my pelvic "joint" (I don't know what else to call it) which I can only assume is from where she is. 

We ordered her custom crib stuff and I've been working on a piece of artwork that I'm so thrilled about.  We also added the lanterns over her crib.  I'm in love with how the room is turning out!

I made my appointments from now until October 7.  Insane.  I can't believe we're already talking about that but we are. I also talked to my OB about my fears of delivering early and/or on the highway :)  I'm hopeful to make it to 39 weeks and then try a few measures (NOT pitocin if I can help it) to get things rolling.  None sound fun but I'd be very happy not to be induced.  I'm also happy to hear that the chances of our hospital not admitting me just b/c I'm not in "active enough" labor are slim to none.  Regardless I'm prepared to bunker down in the hospital lobby if need be :)