Thursday, August 1, 2013

30 Week

30 Weeks
I've been a slacker on this post . Actually, not so much as slacker as I was supposed to have my appointment on Monday but didn't have it until Wednesday so I thought I'd wait to post this.  Whatevs, I'm busy. 

So 30 weeks....10 to go.  Just writing that made my stomach do flip flops.  All is well though for sure I'm feeling it.  I broke down and bought a pregnancy pillow.  Baby girl likes to hang out in the "penthouse" as her Lala says other words up under mama's ribs.  That makes it just a touch hard to breath.  I have some photos on my phone of her up there--I'll have to post one . It's weird how big and pokey I am at the top  when she does that.

My last two appointments were three weeks apart to get me back on track and I gained 5lbs in theory.  I say in theory b/c 10 mins before my appointment I scarfed down a Wendy's Hamburger :)  So that makes total weight gain 14lbs.  Not horrible. 

I'm not swelling thank goodness BUT based on how she's laying for sure I can feel it.  I get this really sharp pain in my pelvic "joint" (I don't know what else to call it) which I can only assume is from where she is. 

We ordered her custom crib stuff and I've been working on a piece of artwork that I'm so thrilled about.  We also added the lanterns over her crib.  I'm in love with how the room is turning out!

I made my appointments from now until October 7.  Insane.  I can't believe we're already talking about that but we are. I also talked to my OB about my fears of delivering early and/or on the highway :)  I'm hopeful to make it to 39 weeks and then try a few measures (NOT pitocin if I can help it) to get things rolling.  None sound fun but I'd be very happy not to be induced.  I'm also happy to hear that the chances of our hospital not admitting me just b/c I'm not in "active enough" labor are slim to none.  Regardless I'm prepared to bunker down in the hospital lobby if need be :)

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