Tuesday, August 6, 2013

31 Weekds

31 weeks (and 2.5 years :))

9 weeks left.....62 days....GAH!  I've said it before but I'm feeling this more this go round than ever.  I am trying to enjoy all of the movement but I'd be lying if I said some days it's distracting.  I've also been thinking more and more about the whole due date....We are currently trying to decide if we want to induce a few days early just to have my parents here for Emerson.  That being said, my cycles were about 21 days not 28, combined with a few other factors and I'm really wondering if I wouldn't deliver early anyway.

I really would prefer NOT to be induced but Matt does make a good point.  If I'm not opposed to an epidural, than why would I be opposed to pit??  Well I'll tell you why-that shiz hurts and I apparently need no help once I get rolling.  Plus I really don't want to add any complications--you know like the kind where the kid's heartrate drops b/c the pit is so stressful?  Yea that one.  I tried explaining to Matt that it's a damn good thing I was already pushing when Emerson's heart rate dropped the second time or they probably would've taken me for a C-section.  Then Matt has a good point which is I probably need to stop watching all of these Rikki Lake "The buiseness of being born" documentaries and talk to my OB :)  So we'll see.  Frankly I would look to get induced only a few days early I'm betting I'll end up in labor early anyway but we'll see.

The room is coming along really really well.  We have our list of stuff to buy and it's costly, but we're preparing.  Frankly I think it'll be pretty fun to take a day off of work and go with Matt to Buy Buy Baby and just buy all of it :)  Kinda like a shopping spree! 

So that's that.  I probably should start preparing at work but right now I'm more focused on vacation in less than 2 weeks--WOOT!  oh....and I'm about to lose my husband to SEC football....

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