Friday, June 8, 2018


I had to go to NOLA for the night on Tuesday.  I was trying very hard to be smart with my choices.  I landed at IAD and went straight to weigh in on Wednesday.  I knew I'd be higher than what I weighed at home b/c of a heavy late meal on Tuesday and flights.  But I didn't expect to be .2 UP from my higher weight last week. 

Here's the thing.  I was clocking in in the 291 range at home.  Consistently, morning after morning.  So I figured I'd be at 294 or 295 and then it would settle next week.  But no, I came in even higher than last week. 

I thought I was ok with it. I could explain it with logic:
- late meal
-heavy Tuesday lunch
-not enough water
-did I mention 2 flights in a 24 hour time period??

But the truth is I apparently wasn't all that ok with it b/c I crashed.  I was already running on fumes which made me very snacky.  Before I knew it I was stuffing my face with the "might as well" attitude.  I had a 'food hangover' the next day and have been struggling to get back on track since.  Struggling, but still doing it. 

It's interesting to me how even when we think we are ok with something we aren't necessarily in our subconscious.  Mostly for me, it's breaking out of the GD 290's. 

I found an old "fat" picture of myself--you know the kind that you WISH you were that (not as) fat?  Yea.  One of those.  But I just keep reminding myself days will pass with or without my focus on my health and nutrition so I might as well focus on it and hopefully have something to eventually show for it.

It's gotta work sometime, right?

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