Monday, June 4, 2018

Monday, June 4

Kate was up last night throwing up, and I was on "puke patrol".  I'm thrilled to say she make the "basket" every time.  I woke up exhausted and not really motivated for much so when she told me she still didn't feel good it didn't take me much convincing to stay home with her.  Of course, I'm pretty sure I was duped by a 4 year old but Mama needed the quiet too.

I was able to catch a few extra minuets of sleep and then this afternoon I got in the most tremendous workout.  It was PIYO lower body and, I don't know it just clicked.  It felt so damn good.  Well, as good as sweating your arse off can feel anyway.  With the exception of having to come down from a move a little early I stuck with it 100%.

I think I *might* have broken through my plateau but I'll know on Wednesday.  Consequently I'm in New Orleans tomorrow. So I"m going to get off a plane and weigh in.....not one of my better ideas but what can I do?  We'll see how much water I'm retaining I guess.

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