Monday, June 3, 2013

22 Weeks

I informed Matt today that we need to start taking these photos in the morning.  I looked so good this morning...and then the toddler meltdowns.  Offta.

At 22 weeks I'm feeling pretty good.  Still tired, still a few food aversions but not "enough" since it would seem I have gained a few pounds.  I'm obviously in maternity clothes but several pairs of pants are still too big.  I'm also still trying to find swimsuits.  I'm actually not ashamed of my body but I'm sick of all of the swimsuits in my size/maternity being so....matronly!  I mean I get it, I'm plus size but damn I'm not wearing solid black and I'm so over the swim dresses. Let's face facts world, the swimskirt is not fooling anyone.

As I write this baby girl is kicking up a storm. This child loves hanging out on my bladder.  As for names, I *think* we hay have figured one out.  It's still being kept under wraps though.

Alright, totally random post.  That tantrum did me in.

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