Tuesday, June 11, 2013

23 Weeks take 2

23 Weeks and 1 day and feeling MUUUCH better.  So let's see, at 23 weeks I'm obviously showing.  At this point with Emerson I'm pretty sure I had put on a solid 20lbs by now.  I have my Dr's appt tomorrow and I'm really curious how much I've gained.  Honestly I don't know if it's much over 5lbs.  Given the fact that last time was just me eating b/c "I could" I'm really glad I haven't packed on the pounds.  Of course, I probably gained another 20 after Emerson just due to PPD.

While I feel much better today in hindsight the baby's lack of movement was a little disconcerting.  Honestly I bet she felt like crap too.  Today she's jumping all over the place which, while distracting, is also very settling.

Otherwise I'm feeling ok.  It's certainly harder this go round, like getting up off of the ground or carrying Emerson, but generally I'm doing well.  I *think* we may have a name as well, or at least narrowed down the field. 

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