Wednesday, June 12, 2013

OB appt update

I had my OB appt (24 weeks at 23 weeks b/c I started all of these a week early....)  Everything looks good. Baby girl was allllllll over the place bopping around.  Matt was having a rough day and when he came into the appointment his stress sort of transfered to me.  They called me back alone at first and my blood pressure was high.  I didn't realy even notice at first.  I NEVER have pressure issues, even on the morning of my induction with Emerson as nervous as I was.  Actually medical staff always comment on this.  However my nurse Maria (who's been my nurse with my OBGYN for years) looked...funny.  She mentioned my pressure and wanting to take it again. 
Now here's the thing with that.  I wouldn't have thought much of it had I not been having trouble breathing.  Who knows why--it was hot, my insides are pushed up thanks to baby girl, asthma, who knows.  So she takes it again.  Mind you now I'm nervous so it's high again.  Finally they try a different cuff, they distract me and it comes down.  Offta.  Of course I had to give Matt grief for giving me "the pressures".

I also talked to the doctor about some weird sensations I've been having.  Specifically when I'll be walking the dog it will feel like I've been doing lots of sit-ups--not painful but a little achey.  Every time I'm sure to drink enough water and my stomach never feels "tight" from the outside so I thought it couldn't be braxton hicks.  In fact, I'm not sure it is but she did confirm they are contractions--practice ones so I guess BH? 

Here's the thing....this is where I'm beginning to worry about my health as it relates to my job.  More and more there are job stressors and then consequently these weird sensations, which I now know are practice contractions/BH, will start up.  I wish I could say that I'm able to manage my stress so this doesn't happen but right now it seems to be beyond my control.  That in and of itself is frusterating.  I'm not really sure what I'm going to do about it right now other than just watch it.  I'm not even sure where I'm going with this except to just put it out there.  This much I know, no damn job or crazy clients is worth my health or that of my babies.  So with that.....who knows :)

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