Monday, June 17, 2013

24 Weeks

Finally had the sense to have Matt take my photo in the morning when I have make-up on
I started this post earlier today but it got lost. Ironically I started by talking about how the first 20 weeks dragged and you turn around and it's 25 weeks......except it's not, it's only 24 :)

At 24 weeks I've come to realize that I've hit "that point" in my pregnancy--that point at which you have to wake up to roll over :)  Not that I'm complaining but it's so different than with Emerson it seems.  With Emerson I don't ever really remember getting too terribly uncomfortable or if I was at all it was at the very end.  This just feels so normal :)

One less than stellar fun fact this time is foot pain.  Apparently despite the fact I've only gained 1 pound I suppose it's the location of the weight.  As a result my left heel and the arches of my feet are hurting and I found myself wearing my show shoes for support.  Sexy I know.

This weekend I painted the nursery a seafoam color.  We're planning on seafoam and coral with probably a little gray.  We found some coral chevron prints at Target that started it all.  It's super cute too b/c Emerson will tell you "that's baby X's room" or "baby sister's room". 

Speaking of we've decided on a name.  I'm super excited about it and I think it's going to be hard to keep it to ourselves.  It's different than what I thought though. 

24 weeks.  6 months.  Bananas

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