Thursday, July 5, 2018

Ch Ch Ch Changes

I took my measurements back on June 11 and I retook them July 3.  I don't usually trust my measuring tape skills so I'm trying not to make up excuses or reasons why these numbers can't be right and yet....

  6/11/2018 7/3/2018
Chest 52 51
Rib Cage 45 45
Hips 57 55.5
Left Thigh 32.5 32
Left Calf 19.5 19.5
Left upper arm 17.5 17
Right Thigh 33 32
Right Calf 21 20
Right upper arm 18 17.5

Apparently I lost an inch and a half from my hips!  The scale may not have moved that much but my body did.  Horray for that!

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