Monday, July 16, 2018

Still Kickin

It's July 16 as of this writing.  I started this round of WW sometime around September 20.  As the year mark comes closer and I make ZERO progress (or zero forward movement anyway) I find myself getting more and more discouraged.  Once upon a time a year was soooo far away.  I thought I'd have lost 50lbs and at that I felt slightly discouraged.  Now what I wouldn't give for 50lbs.  Hell for 25lbs.  Yea, I'm that far off.
I'm back on track this week which is great, but next week is vacation and while I keep telling myself that I'm not going to go off the rails but I'm also not going to "worry too much" I know damn well that if I'm tempted I'm bound to fall hard.
Thankfully, as frustrated and discouraged as I am I haven't given up yet, and I won't.  My coworker just saw one of the old photos of me pregnant with KK and remarked how tiny I was.   I remember feeling huge and being technically obese, and yet here I am. 
But I keep on trucking, because I also know this-If I don't, then I'll end up in an even worse way than I already am.  That alone keeps me going.

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