Monday, July 2, 2018

Keeping at it

Another good week shown on the scales.  Again though, I'm a little mixed emotion since I know that 3lb losses aren't sustainable. 

Tonight Matt and I went for ice cream and while it was worth it I'm negative in points now.  Wednesday, my normal weigh in day, is also the 4th.  So now I have to decide if I want to weigh in on the 5th (Thursday) and sit through the meeting and own it or wait until next Wednesday as originally planned.  I think I'll have to own it.  I need to keep honest.  I need to make sure I don't have a mental set back.  That's the only reason I would skip this week but that doesn't really make sense. 

I also didn't work out today which is disappointing.  I had hoped to get home earlier but that didn't happen. 

The one good thing in all of this is that I'm keeping honest.  Well, I shouldn't say the one good thing but one of the good things. 

What would it be like if I just didn't give up on myself?  I'm working to find that out.

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