Thursday, October 10, 2013

40 weeks

I've wanted to write this post and subsequently avoiding it.  Where to start...

We welcomed Katherine Kearney Dossett into our family on Thursday October 3, 2013 at 6:13pm.  She was 8lbs and 3 oz and 22 1/4 inches long.  The irony is of course that we thought Thursday was too soon. 
Wednesday night I didn't feel good but frankly I thought I just had too much milk.  I was in a lot of discomfort but I was also almost 10 months pregnant so I didn't think much of it.  I awoke several times overnight which, even pregnant, isn't like me.  I knew something was up but didn't know what.

Thursday morning there was some....action shall we say.  I was going to try to go into the office to tie up some loose ends but thanks to said action I was a little nervous.  Shortly before I was going to leave more stuff happened so I called the doctor. Long story short they wanted me to come in to be checked out.  Being 40 mins from the hospital I wasn't about to take chances.  I called Matt and he was going to meet me at the doctor.  I was uncomfortable but again, no contractions so I decided to drive myself.  I was also starving and I knew that if they did send me to L&D I'd better get something to eat first.  I headed to McDonalds and remember it was 10:30am b/c they were still serving breakfast.

I'll never forget as I was leaving the house. I was talking to myself trying to keep calm.  Everything was in my car except the camera, my make-up and the ipad.  I grabbed all of that but not a change of clothes for Matt.

I really thought that the doctor would tell me I was progressing but not enough and to be on alert and then come back Friday to be rechecked.  Dr. Smith saw me and she was asking me about contractions.  I explained my discomfort but that I hadn't really had any "contractions" but then again I didn't really know what they felt like since I never really had them with Emerson wo an Epidural.  I remember her stating that it was obvious I was uncomfortable and she thought I was probably having some and just not realizing.  I had been 2 cm Monday and when Dr. Smith checked me I was 4.   So I asked "what's the plan?" expecting to be sent home.  Her response was "well you're going to go over to the hospital and have a baby"....WHAA?

Fast forward I was checked in and avoided the triage thanks to Dr. Smith.  She came over for a procedure and at 12:30pm broke my water.  There was some mecconium in my fluid but they weren't very worried.  Apparently it was seriously diluted.  None the less they warned me that they would have NICU in the room just to check her out.  Frankly I wasn't that worried about it, I knew I was in really good hands. 

The epidural sucked, but I survived.  Most of it was in my mind though I will say that that anesthesiologist is ROUGH.  I had two bolus' of more meds.  At one point the nurse came in to check me --Dr. Smith had called to say that if I hadn't progressed she wanted me on pitocin and surprise surprise, I was at 9. 

I was able to hold out until Dr. Smith finished up with her last patient of the day.  I will say it was absolutely polar opposite of my experience with Emerson. With Em I had to push and didn't wait for the doctor.  With KK they had me try to push just to see  but I was in no way feeling urgent.   
Long story short, when her head started to emerge we found that her cord was wrapped around her neck twice and over her shoulder.  Her face was blue.  Dr. Smith asked if I could push again--I told her to tell me what to do and I'd do it.  Apparently the cord was so tight they couldn't cut it so I just had to deliver her. 
They had Matt cut the cord very quickly and then she was whisked over to the warmer with NICU.  They had her there for 20 min.  Turns out that she didn't cry but mostly b/c she was just hanging out.  Finally the NICU team left very anticlimactically.  All was well.

2 days  postpartum

Though I didn't take a photo Monday the one above is from Sat, 2 days postpartum.  We still don't know what we're calling her for sure.  Emerson has been amazing.  Kate is amazing.  Matt is amazing.
Me?  Well not so much.

Somehow I naively thought that I'd miss the whole baby blues thing.  Don't ask me why....I guess b/c I was on meds from Emerson, or that I knew what to expect....but sure enough they hit.  I called the doctor pretty quickly thereafter--I didn't want to mess around.  I've been feeling better day by day but I'm trying, TRYING, not to feel like I have to rush anything. 
But my girls?  Oh my girls how I love them.  And my amazing husband.  So while I sort through all this shit I'm reminded how fortunate I am with these three wonderful beings.  Here's to holding on.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

So..Yea how about a baby?

The doctor's appointment on Tuesday went really well.  Just as I suspected baby girl had dropped way low.  We knew when the doctor checked for the hearbeat and then confirmed it, but the look on her face of shock at how low she is was awesome.  So her next question--when do you want to have this baby? GAH!

Originally we wanted Friday the 4th but the doctor is taking a day off.  We looked at Thursday or Monday.  Thursday = OMG TOO SOON!  So Monday it is.  And yet still, OMG SO SOON!!

My most favorite part is that my doctor will just break my water and hopefully we'll avoid pitocin all together.  Obviously if I need it then I need it but given that they had to turn it OFF with Emerson I'm hopeful.

Of course, that's assuming I make it through this weekend :)

Monday, September 30, 2013

39 Weeks and lots of photos

39 weeks and lookin' pretty good if I do say so

I mean seriously, this kid.  So much cuteness!  I can hardly believe I'm at 39 weeks.  I'm been through like every season this pregnancy--found out in winter and then delivering in the fall.  I swear it makes me feel like I've been pregnant forever.  Given that this *might* be my last pregnancy I'm trying to take in everything but honestly, my favorite part is my body.  I know that sounds so odd but as someone who was always self conscious of her figure to have one I want to flaunt is so liberating and always my favorite part.  I don't even mind the stretchmarks!  That said, I actually don't have any new ones.

We'll find out tomorrow where we stand on everything.  Matt's still keen on getting induced Friday the 4th if I'm ready physically.  Honestly, after today I think I am.  I pushed myself way too hard and ended up feeling like crap and then having contractions bad enough to time.  I freaked out, called Matt and had to leave a voice mail which he never got.  I swear these damn phones.  He only knew something was up when I messaged him to disregard they had stopped.  None the less the whole thing made me feel seriously powerless.   I know it's not the end of the world to find out you aren't really in labor but I also feel like it's such a long drive and then to have to inconvenience friends.....anyway it's just the stuff I worry about.  Though this is my second my awesome OB knew I'd go fast with Emerson so she ordered the epidural very early on.  Though I was crazy uncomfortable b/c of how fast she came I never really did understand what an honest to goodness contraction was.

I'll likely try to update tomorrow after the doctor with weight etc.  For now I've decided to put myself on what I call "modified couch rest".  In other words, my happy butt is sitting on the couch, monitoring emails and generally taking it EASY (which you know I'll wish I did a lot more of in a few days!)

Monday, September 23, 2013

38 Weeks

38 weeks

Sweet fancy moses I look HUGE.  Of the three photos I'm smiling the least in this but the other two were just---wow :)  I've only gained 27lbs which I'm ok wtih but it's just surprising to me how much more pregnant I suddenly look.

Today wasn't a great day.  I mean, it wasn't horrible but ....bleh. The baby is still pretty high up and so there's not much to tell there.  We aren't even going to talk about induction until we see what next week brings but at that point if I'm not REALLY ready to go physically then I think we'll just wait until after the due date.  Probably 10/9 or 10/10.

The good news is that all is well.  That's what is important and that is what we'll concentrate on.  For tonight though I'm going to give myself a little room for a pity part just b/c.  Then tomorrow no more.  We are blessed with a healthy baby who is happy where she is.  Besides, she has to come out eventually :)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Full Term

37 Weeks
Full Term Baby!  Today I had my 37 week check up.  Dr. W. did an ultrasound just to be sure baby's head is down.  While she was at it I asked her to confirm that she is in fact a she :)  Good news is that baby's head is down and she is, in fact, a girl.  I'm not really dilated or anything but that's ok.  As we were leaving today Matt looked at me and brought up the idea again of induction on October 3 or 4. 

Assuming I make it that far I don't know that I'm opposed to it anymore.  While personally I'm not really pro early induction just for the sake of it I do get it.  At that point it wouldn't really even be early--it would be the Thursday or Friday before I'm technically due (and I'm still not sure that that's the right due date).  Mostly I just want to make sure that we're all ok.  What I don't want is to have this kid on the toll road or something.  And let's face it the chances of us having the "honey it's time" moment is slim to none.  Most likely it's more like "huh, what's that feeling?  Is that gas or something more?"  That's ok with me.  I don't want to feel pressured over some schedule though.

So for now we'll hold tight and then talk to Dr. W. on Monday.  She's told me she would induce up to a week early so I'm sure she'll pretty well go with whatever we'd like but certainly want and need her input. 

Meanwhile in the waiting room another patient asked me how far along I am and so I told her 37 weeks. She sort of looked at me with big eyes adn asked "just one??!!" and when I said yes she was all "OMG you're so big!!"  I certainly don't take offense to that--I love my big belly--but I thought it was funny since I don't feel that big. 

I also confirmed that a lot of my aches and pains are totally normal and should be expecting more.  That may sound odd but my pregnancy with Emerson was so easy I get paranoid now.  For better or worse, the round ligament pain not only is normal but it's normal for it to be at it's worst now.  AND only getting worse.  It's oddly comforting.

I am trying to enjoy these last few weeks but it's such a double edged sword.  I love being pregnant but I'm also so excited to meet this little girl and so sore and uncomfortable.  None the less, I keep thinking that this is likely my last pregnancy so I want to and should enjoy it as much as humanly possible.

Monday, September 9, 2013

36 weeks....the 9th month

So I missed 35 weeks--it was Labor day and it just got away from us.  And Yes, I totally just posted a photo of my bare belly.  Judge if you must. 

I had my 36 week appointment today and it went well.  Honestly my back was hurting me so badly that I was concerned going to have to call Matt to meet me at the hospital b/c they were going to send it over.  The doctor checked me out and there's not much she was able to say.  The good news is I found out if I need to be induced she will just break my water and see if that makes me go into labor.  Obviously they will use pitocin if need be but I like that I wouldn't have to have it right off which makes me happy.  Still nervous that I'll end up having the baby in the car or I wouldn't know or whatever but as Dr. Wolf says it'll all work out in the end. 

Generally I'm feeling large.  I swear my feet are widening.  My back's been bugging me a lot today and I'm wondering if she dropped.  She's also pushing a lot more and it's actually hurting b/c there's just no room left.  I'm trying to enjoy the last few weeks. It may or may not be my last pregnancy so while I'm uncomfortable and really excited to meet her, I'm also trying to just live in the moment.  All in due time :)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

33 and 34

This is going to be short and least for now.  We spent last week at the beach and this week I'm spending playing catch-up :)  Life is good, baby is good, Emerson is wearing underwear for the first time today Lord hep us all :)

33 weeks at the beach
34 Weeks
34 weeks with my big girl

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Swimsuits for the win

I'm still not sure what happened.  I don't ever remember being anything but self conscious about my body.  Perhaps it's because I'm pregnant and it's OK to have a belly but even before that I've felt....different since having Emerson.  

I look at what my body has done.  Not just having a child (and now another) but in finally training for and running a 5k.  I recognize it's not a big deal to some, but to me it is.  To me it reminds me of all my body is capable of and makes me wonder what more I can do.  And so yea....I'm putting swimsuit photos of ME in a BATHING SUIT up ONLINE!  Please excuse the cleavage....the girls sorta have a mind of their own.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

T-minus 8 Weeks...and cue freakout in 5...4...3...2...

32 weeks
Don't I just look Joy-filled?  Do you LOVE the water stains on my shirt from Emerson's tub?  Do you see how I'm kinda leaning funny?  That would be due to the fact I feel like my child has cracked my pelvis.  HOORAY for Pregnancy!

Ok, now that THAT pity party is over.  Truth is this time around is hard and I've had more than one tearful evening.  I'm torn b/c this is likely it for me, so I want to enjoy this pregnancy but at the same time I am so darn uncomfortable.  The evenings are the worst.  I think it has to do with being tired but also from sitting.  I find if I sit too long when I get up I hurt a lot.  I think she must be laying on a nerve or something.  On one hand I despise complaining when all too soon this will be over.  On the other I'll admit, I am glad that I'm finally "in the club" as it were  More than that though with Emerson I was loving being pregnant so much I never wanted it to end.  That was troublesome.  I remember telling my doctor I WANTED to get uncomfortable or I'd be afraid how I would handle it. 

Despite being uncomfortable, I'm doing well  I love showing off the bump.  That has to be the best thing about being pregnant--I fully am embracing my body.  It's freakin' awesome.  I took some photos (just for you Pieper!) of me in a swimsuit too that I'm going to post.  I mean, it's amazing how confident I feel in a pregnant body (so long as the girls stay put...that's my latest challenge :))

I'll also admit that I'm not nearly as nervous about the whole "will I love this one as much" thing as I was pre pregnancy.  I know it will come in time.  Mostly I just hope it doesn't take as long as with Emerson--I had some real life struggles there.  I wonder if perhaps b/c I lived through that and know how much I adore that child now that I'm not as worried.  Who knows.

Now we're just dealing with maternity leave (which sucks in the US) and which is non existant in my company.  The bonus is that b/c of when she's due I get holidays.  The crap part is I'll still have to go back earlier than expected, however the "go back" is working from home, getting ramped up and only for a week before Christmas break so I can't complain too much. 

Also new this time I have no real idea of when everyone is coming up--and I'm intentionally not worrying about it :)  I'm really trying to focus on making this our time.  Part of me is glad we went to GA for Christmas when Emerson was born to get me out, but mostly I'm kicking myself for not just staying home without a bunch of people and taking care of us.  There were so many times that I should've just said no or stopped what we were doing to pump or whatever but I was afraid of sitting quietly.  It's a double edged sword.  So this time I'm going to try it, hope I don't go nuts and throw caution to the wind :)  Imagine, me taking care of myself....I guess there's a first time for everything!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

31 Weekds

31 weeks (and 2.5 years :))

9 weeks left.....62 days....GAH!  I've said it before but I'm feeling this more this go round than ever.  I am trying to enjoy all of the movement but I'd be lying if I said some days it's distracting.  I've also been thinking more and more about the whole due date....We are currently trying to decide if we want to induce a few days early just to have my parents here for Emerson.  That being said, my cycles were about 21 days not 28, combined with a few other factors and I'm really wondering if I wouldn't deliver early anyway.

I really would prefer NOT to be induced but Matt does make a good point.  If I'm not opposed to an epidural, than why would I be opposed to pit??  Well I'll tell you why-that shiz hurts and I apparently need no help once I get rolling.  Plus I really don't want to add any complications--you know like the kind where the kid's heartrate drops b/c the pit is so stressful?  Yea that one.  I tried explaining to Matt that it's a damn good thing I was already pushing when Emerson's heart rate dropped the second time or they probably would've taken me for a C-section.  Then Matt has a good point which is I probably need to stop watching all of these Rikki Lake "The buiseness of being born" documentaries and talk to my OB :)  So we'll see.  Frankly I would look to get induced only a few days early I'm betting I'll end up in labor early anyway but we'll see.

The room is coming along really really well.  We have our list of stuff to buy and it's costly, but we're preparing.  Frankly I think it'll be pretty fun to take a day off of work and go with Matt to Buy Buy Baby and just buy all of it :)  Kinda like a shopping spree! 

So that's that.  I probably should start preparing at work but right now I'm more focused on vacation in less than 2 weeks--WOOT!  oh....and I'm about to lose my husband to SEC football....

Thursday, August 1, 2013

30 Week

30 Weeks
I've been a slacker on this post . Actually, not so much as slacker as I was supposed to have my appointment on Monday but didn't have it until Wednesday so I thought I'd wait to post this.  Whatevs, I'm busy. 

So 30 weeks....10 to go.  Just writing that made my stomach do flip flops.  All is well though for sure I'm feeling it.  I broke down and bought a pregnancy pillow.  Baby girl likes to hang out in the "penthouse" as her Lala says other words up under mama's ribs.  That makes it just a touch hard to breath.  I have some photos on my phone of her up there--I'll have to post one . It's weird how big and pokey I am at the top  when she does that.

My last two appointments were three weeks apart to get me back on track and I gained 5lbs in theory.  I say in theory b/c 10 mins before my appointment I scarfed down a Wendy's Hamburger :)  So that makes total weight gain 14lbs.  Not horrible. 

I'm not swelling thank goodness BUT based on how she's laying for sure I can feel it.  I get this really sharp pain in my pelvic "joint" (I don't know what else to call it) which I can only assume is from where she is. 

We ordered her custom crib stuff and I've been working on a piece of artwork that I'm so thrilled about.  We also added the lanterns over her crib.  I'm in love with how the room is turning out!

I made my appointments from now until October 7.  Insane.  I can't believe we're already talking about that but we are. I also talked to my OB about my fears of delivering early and/or on the highway :)  I'm hopeful to make it to 39 weeks and then try a few measures (NOT pitocin if I can help it) to get things rolling.  None sound fun but I'd be very happy not to be induced.  I'm also happy to hear that the chances of our hospital not admitting me just b/c I'm not in "active enough" labor are slim to none.  Regardless I'm prepared to bunker down in the hospital lobby if need be :)

Monday, July 22, 2013

29 Weeks

29 Weeks
Cruising along.  Baby girl is still moving and groovin' and we still have LOTS to do.  Some moments I'm anxious, mostly I just know it'll get done.  I think I'm starting to put on weight like I did with Emerson so I'm trying to watch that.  Not much else to say :)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Well Hello Third Trimester

28 Weeks
I feel like I've been hit by a bus.....the third trimester buss.  Lord help me I'm hoping it's just the result of a long long weekend with an uncomfortable toddler thanks to her run in with some pavement. 

It's funny, the first trimester crawled, the second feels like it flew and now I'm starting the third.  Bananas.  Apparently I passed my glucose test which is awesome.  Baby is doing well and I've gained all of 9 lbs.....granted 8 of it was last month :)  Baby girl is having a dance party in there to the extent that I have a sore spot on my belly from her hip/butt/heel pushing out.    It's also super weird to fell her pushing around sometimes--it's way more than Emerson ever did and sometimes it freaks me out a bit. 

Despite the fatigue and discomfort I'm still doing my best to enjoy each day.

Monday, July 8, 2013

DIY Changing Table-Finished Product

We finally finished the changing table and I'm thrilled!  The plexiglass proved harder than we thought but all and all I'm over the moon with it.

The original.  Solid wood but a hot mess

The doors.  You can't tell here but one of the pieces of plexiglass had a crack and another had a black permanent marker on it.

The top just to show how scuffed it was.

After sanding Matt put stain on it.  Because of the natural wood combined with the wear and tear as shown above this was a little more challenging.  Our goal was to get it somewhere near the crib color.

As you can see this piece has a black marker line.  This was far and away the trickiest piece.  Because it's a solid piece of wood I ended up having to crack it (gently....if that's possible) with the maillot and screw driver.  Then I pulled out and discarded each of the pieces.  Eventually we replaced the plexi but not after trying a bunch of other ideas.

At the suggestion of Home Depot we added a primer to help with absorption.  It concerned me b/c as you can see it went on VERY streaky and having not worked with a primer I wasn't sure what to make of it.

Antique white paint

Drawer fronts painted. 

Finished product!
The fabric we ended up finding on (after searching high and low at JoAnn's).  The knobs are from Target.  Ironically after looking at all sorts of specialty knobs those were the ones that worked best.   As for the drawer fronts, originally we thought we'd be able to slide out and then back in the plexi but that just wasn't happening.  We had to take plexiglass and, after cutting it to the approximate size, cut it again.  Matt then wrapped the plexi  in the fabric and then wedged the pieces back in one side, then the other.  He then screwed them in place just in case.  I came through and covered the inside drawers with a basic white drawer liner contact paper.  I trimmed the drawer fabric on the inside, hot glued it down and then put the contact paper over that.  The reason was mostly because I didn't want it exposed though I'll admit it's not beautiful.  However, it's clean and safe. 

 The lamp on top in the picture above is from Emerson's old room with a coral shade from World Market. Frankly I'm thrilled with it. Now to finish off the wall decor. 

27 Weeks

27 Weeks
Do you like how my belt is up in my shirt?  Yea, classy.  That pretty much sums it up lately.  So this is the 27th weeks, aka the last week of the second trimester.  For as slow as the first went by this one has gone as slow....except exactly the opposite.  I'll admit that I'm getting a little sentimental.  Also they talk about how the first and third trimesters are so tough but that the second is soooo great.  That scares the bejesus out of me given how tough this trimester was and if THAT is good?  I mean yea, I wasn't puking all the time but oofta, still.
All and all things are going well . I'm in a lot more discomfort but I think that has to do with the fact that my ligaments etc are already loose.  Girlfriend has been all over the place today--at times I swear she's sideways. 
Tomorrow I have my 27 week appointment and the fabulous Glucose test.  The test itself doesn't really bug me so much as the inevitable sugar crash.  I'm also wiser this time around and man almighty I don't want to have to stick myself daily.  I'm also curious about weight gain.
Tomorrow also marks the beginning of the bi-weekly appointments.  Guess it's time to kick it into high gear.

Monday, July 1, 2013

26 Weeks and more Room updates

26 Weeks
I don't feel like there's a whole lot to report this week.  I'm feeling pretty good but with the same issues---Tired, feet hurting, getting stiff after sitting and generally feeling worn.  I go in for my glucose test next week so fingers crossed there.  I've also hit that point where I know why and how I gained so much with Emerson.....oh Ice Cream, you are the devil.
This week my friend let me borrow her doppler and I wanted Em to hear.  As soon as the heartbeat came on she looked shocked, then picked up the reciever and put it to her ear like a phone and said
"hello baby sister, this is Emerson Belle Dossett" and then had a whole conversation with her :)  At one point she asked why baby sister wasn't talking back and I explained she's too little to talk.  The whole thing just melted me.

As I wrote about last night we're working on the changing table and room.  I've been searching for the right color coral which has proven rather difficult.  In the photo below you'll see two of the options as well as the wall color
 I LOVE the one on the right (stripes) but the blue is slightly off and Matt's just not a big fan for whatever reason.  The on the left I bought today and while it works it's a bit bold so tonight I bought this online
Frankly I think the color and patter is better for what we're going for.

I also works on getting the plexiglass out of the doors.  I tried to get them out in full pieces but that just didn't happen so I had to crack it and pull out the pieces.....turns out it's great stress management

Tbe stain tonight

The drawer with plexiglass

The Tools

Just hack into it and then start pulling it apart.
 After this I proceeded to wash these in scolding hot soapy water (again) and then I've decided I'll be spraying them with bleach water just in case. 

Finally the big bummer is the chair doesn't fit well in the room.  I really thought I would cry.  I love that chair but especially b/c it was pricy but Matt insisted I get what I want.  I'm so sentimental.  Luckily we can use the chair back downstairs and we found this one:
same idea, MUCH smaller footpring

Sunday, June 30, 2013

DIY Changing Table

I used to think I was an out of the box thinker, or at least somewhat so.  Then I met Matt and boy was I wrong. The challenge is that while I end up loving what we do when we follow Matt the process kills me.  As it turns out I'm also a check list kinda girl.  Pre Matt I probably would've just walked into  Babies R Us and picked out a crib, changing table and dresser and then Check Check Check-DONE.  Now...not so much. 

Matt is also big on giving baby girl 2 something of her own.  I love the thought behind it but I do find it interesting giving that he's a first born and never had to deal with hand me downs. 

We've been looking and found this on ETSY Changing Table

There are two main issues with this piece
1.) it's $365
2.) it's in norther NJ and they don't ship

At the point at which Matt suggested we go up there and rent a truck to bring it back I knew we may have to have a reality check.  That's when Matt found that I had seen but not given two thoughts about because....well look
Luckily my husband has a keen eye for detail and realized right away it's the same one but for $75.00 and in Gaithersburg MD. He headed up there today to pick it up.  When I asked him what he thought he only responded "good bones".  He's right, good bones indeed but damn.  It stunk of cigarettes.  It needed a good cleaning.  Then as we started to disassemble it we found this:
Why yes, that is a Trojan.  The only bonus is that it was unused. 

So now the plan is to sand it down, stain the top dark, paint it an off white, remove the plexiglass and cover it in a coral based fabric and then add some fancy knobs.  Here's hoping it works out!  Pictures to come.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

25 Weeks

25 Weeks
Me thinks someone's baby is high up....

On Friday we worked volunteering and I really overdid it.  I didn't lift anything heavy or move a lot but there was a LOT of bending.  My hip joints and general lower extremities are achy.  Round ligament pain is really bad, and generally left I'm wondering if this is normal or if it's concerning.  My pregnancy with Emerson was so  exemplary that I'm just not sure what "normal" is. 

Otherwise I'm just keeping on keeping on. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

24 Weeks

Finally had the sense to have Matt take my photo in the morning when I have make-up on
I started this post earlier today but it got lost. Ironically I started by talking about how the first 20 weeks dragged and you turn around and it's 25 weeks......except it's not, it's only 24 :)

At 24 weeks I've come to realize that I've hit "that point" in my pregnancy--that point at which you have to wake up to roll over :)  Not that I'm complaining but it's so different than with Emerson it seems.  With Emerson I don't ever really remember getting too terribly uncomfortable or if I was at all it was at the very end.  This just feels so normal :)

One less than stellar fun fact this time is foot pain.  Apparently despite the fact I've only gained 1 pound I suppose it's the location of the weight.  As a result my left heel and the arches of my feet are hurting and I found myself wearing my show shoes for support.  Sexy I know.

This weekend I painted the nursery a seafoam color.  We're planning on seafoam and coral with probably a little gray.  We found some coral chevron prints at Target that started it all.  It's super cute too b/c Emerson will tell you "that's baby X's room" or "baby sister's room". 

Speaking of we've decided on a name.  I'm super excited about it and I think it's going to be hard to keep it to ourselves.  It's different than what I thought though. 

24 weeks.  6 months.  Bananas

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

OB appt update

I had my OB appt (24 weeks at 23 weeks b/c I started all of these a week early....)  Everything looks good. Baby girl was allllllll over the place bopping around.  Matt was having a rough day and when he came into the appointment his stress sort of transfered to me.  They called me back alone at first and my blood pressure was high.  I didn't realy even notice at first.  I NEVER have pressure issues, even on the morning of my induction with Emerson as nervous as I was.  Actually medical staff always comment on this.  However my nurse Maria (who's been my nurse with my OBGYN for years) looked...funny.  She mentioned my pressure and wanting to take it again. 
Now here's the thing with that.  I wouldn't have thought much of it had I not been having trouble breathing.  Who knows why--it was hot, my insides are pushed up thanks to baby girl, asthma, who knows.  So she takes it again.  Mind you now I'm nervous so it's high again.  Finally they try a different cuff, they distract me and it comes down.  Offta.  Of course I had to give Matt grief for giving me "the pressures".

I also talked to the doctor about some weird sensations I've been having.  Specifically when I'll be walking the dog it will feel like I've been doing lots of sit-ups--not painful but a little achey.  Every time I'm sure to drink enough water and my stomach never feels "tight" from the outside so I thought it couldn't be braxton hicks.  In fact, I'm not sure it is but she did confirm they are contractions--practice ones so I guess BH? 

Here's the thing....this is where I'm beginning to worry about my health as it relates to my job.  More and more there are job stressors and then consequently these weird sensations, which I now know are practice contractions/BH, will start up.  I wish I could say that I'm able to manage my stress so this doesn't happen but right now it seems to be beyond my control.  That in and of itself is frusterating.  I'm not really sure what I'm going to do about it right now other than just watch it.  I'm not even sure where I'm going with this except to just put it out there.  This much I know, no damn job or crazy clients is worth my health or that of my babies.  So with that.....who knows :)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Side by Side

23 weeks Emerson
23 weeks baby 2

23 Weeks take 2

23 Weeks and 1 day and feeling MUUUCH better.  So let's see, at 23 weeks I'm obviously showing.  At this point with Emerson I'm pretty sure I had put on a solid 20lbs by now.  I have my Dr's appt tomorrow and I'm really curious how much I've gained.  Honestly I don't know if it's much over 5lbs.  Given the fact that last time was just me eating b/c "I could" I'm really glad I haven't packed on the pounds.  Of course, I probably gained another 20 after Emerson just due to PPD.

While I feel much better today in hindsight the baby's lack of movement was a little disconcerting.  Honestly I bet she felt like crap too.  Today she's jumping all over the place which, while distracting, is also very settling.

Otherwise I'm feeling ok.  It's certainly harder this go round, like getting up off of the ground or carrying Emerson, but generally I'm doing well.  I *think* we may have a name as well, or at least narrowed down the field. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Week 23, postponed

23 weeks and I have some sort of stomach bug.  Bleh.....

Monday, June 3, 2013

22 Weeks

I informed Matt today that we need to start taking these photos in the morning.  I looked so good this morning...and then the toddler meltdowns.  Offta.

At 22 weeks I'm feeling pretty good.  Still tired, still a few food aversions but not "enough" since it would seem I have gained a few pounds.  I'm obviously in maternity clothes but several pairs of pants are still too big.  I'm also still trying to find swimsuits.  I'm actually not ashamed of my body but I'm sick of all of the swimsuits in my size/maternity being so....matronly!  I mean I get it, I'm plus size but damn I'm not wearing solid black and I'm so over the swim dresses. Let's face facts world, the swimskirt is not fooling anyone.

As I write this baby girl is kicking up a storm. This child loves hanging out on my bladder.  As for names, I *think* we hay have figured one out.  It's still being kept under wraps though.

Alright, totally random post.  That tantrum did me in.